This month, we welcomed in the school year with a new name for the farm, new friends, and monthly theme of “The Ocean.”
The garden was full of produce and we explored and picked sweet and sour grapes and sunflowers. We can’t wait to try out the seeds when the sunflowers dry out.
The Microscope had a fabulous work out as all the programs were excited to see sand, bugs, leaves, shells and fingers magnified.
Some of our freshly washed hands were discovered to be less clean than we had thought.
Keep an eye out in our shared calendar for our guest visits October 7 and 11. We have Marine Biologist Colleen Harpold!
Our friends created sea creatures from clay, paper, nature and paint. Making coral out of pasta, sea floors from sticks and sand and painting with paper and water! We learnt about the life cycle of the octopus and set up our bio luminescent algae. Yoga explored with the little Jellyfish and the starfish. We listened to the sounds of whales as we were read stories from the sea.
Special thanks goes to our guest Tiffany for her incredible knowledge and wonderful presentation on seeds.
We cant wait till the next visit - all about bugs!